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Flood risk under climate change: A framework for assessing the impacts of climate change on river flow and floods, using dynamically-downscaled climate scenarios.

Technical Report
McMillan H., Poyck S., Jackson B.
NIWA Technical Report for Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: CHC2010-033, 55 p.
Publication year: 2010

Rainfall-runoff model calibration using informal likelihood measures within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Clark M.
Water Resources Research, 45, W04418, doi:10.1029/2008WR007288.
Publication year: 2009

End-to-End Flood Risk Assessment: A Coupled Model Cascade with Uncertainty Estimation.

Journal Paper
McMillan H, Brasington J.
Water Resources Research 44, W03419, doi:10.1029/2007WR005995.
Publication year: 2008

Reduced Complexity Strategies for Modelling Urban Floodplain Inundation.

Journal Paper
McMillan H., Brasington J.
Geomorphology, 90: 3-4, p 226-243.
Publication year: 2006

Constraining dynamic TOPMODEL responses for imprecise water table information using fuzzy rule based performance measures.

Journal Paper
Freer J., McMillan H., McDonnell J.J., Beven K.J.
Journal of Hydrology 291, p 254-277.
Publication year: 2004